Still in shrink wrapping: a Medieval acapella festival for the ears featuring music from the 14th, 15th and 16th centuries. If you’re into Medieval re-enactment, or really just love those classic sounds passed through the ages, this is a CD to get your ears into.
- O Occhi Manza Mia – Orlando di Lasso (16th. c.)
- Hey Ho to the Greenwoode
- Belle Que Tiens Ma Vie – Thoinot Arbeau
- Whereto Should I Express (16th c.)
- Quant Je le Voi/Bon Vin Doit/Cis Chans Veult Boire (early 14th c.)
- Cara Mie Donna – Francesco Landini (14th c.)
- Your Shining Eyes – Thomas Bateson (1604)
- Miserere Mei Deus – Hernando Franco (16th c.)
- The Marriage of the Frogge & Mouse – Thomas Ravenscroft (1611)
- Tant Que Vivray – Claudin de Sermisy (16th c.)
- There Were Three Ravens – Thomas Ravenscroft (1611)
- Calabaza, No Se, Buen Amor (15th c.)
- Green Grow’th the Holly (16th c.)
- Jesu Rex Admirabilis – Giovanna Pierluigi da Palestrina (1586)
- Go to Joane Glover – Thomas Ravencroft (1609)
- Chi La Gaglilarda – Giovanni Domenico da Nola (16th c.)
- Since First I Saw Your Face – Thomas Ford (1607)
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